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You don’t need to speak French to appreciate this absolute gem
I've been reading stuff on degrowth for the last couple of months (mostly to write @EcoSceptique) I started my reading with an open mind but the scientific weakness of what I read was stunning In a nutshell:
There is this belief in economics, I think widespread, that if you’re not in a top institution, it’s because somehow you’re not good enough. You’re not good enough with math, you’re not good enough with econometrics, with this, or that. That’s non-sense. 1/n
Economists back from the dead, a thread I used the MyHeritage IA to animate pictures and paintings of famous economists Very impressive results! Let’s start with Adam Smith (1723-1790)
Donc quand l’étude est de Monsanto, c’est du lobbying. Mais quand c’est une étude de Générations Futures, association dont Biocoop est « partenaire » (biocoop.fr/Partenaires/Generations-Futures), c’est une vérité scientifique. De qui se moque-t-on ? Ce naufrage d’un « journalisme » idéologique. @lemondefr/1118087596301856768
Cette étude a été faite par Générations Futures, que finance notamment… @Biocoop. Biocoop a intérêt à faire croire au public que les pesticides, c’est mal, pour augmenter ses ventes. GF est un lobby. Imaginez si Le Monde avait publié sans recul une étude du lobby chimique ? @lemondefr/1136524859859714048
Twitter m’a suspendu @EcoSceptique Vous êtes sérieux @twitter @TwitterFrance @TwitterSupport ? L’IRONIE, ça vous dit quelque chose ? Vos algorithmes sont à l’image de votre modération : affligeants Il est hors de question que je supprime mon tweet Merci de RT en masse
Hey #EconTwitter, I have a question for you if you had to pick *one* mind blowing econ paper published during the last five years, which one would you choose? And why? Can be anything in terms of methodology and subfield. Thanks! RT appreciated
I have some (major) professional news to share today 👀 I’m thrilled to release my first online course! It’s a course for busy people who want to get started with #Rstats. You can learn more about the course here: codehub.aleryonscience.com/courses/rstats/getting-started/course/ Retweets massively appreciated! 1/7
Pour @lemondefr et @sfoucart, la preuve que Monsanto est à l'œuvre derrière la vague de critiques qui s'abattent sur @EnvoyeSpecial ? La "conviction", je cite, d'une directrice de France Télévisions. Le complotisme en une d'un journal national, c'est ça. lemonde.fr/planete/article/2019/01/31/glyphosate-comment-monsanto-mene-sa-guerre-mediatique_5417218_3244.html
I remember a prof telling me how they get published in the AER: "It took us so many years not because we wanted to improve the paper, but because we needed time for networking and to reframe it conditionally to our networking“ My analysis: “But what about meritocracy?!” @Claudia_Sahm/1185329956454387713
I’ve just counted how many *French* Black persons I’ve met in French academia since the beginning of my grad studies in 2012 The answer is ZERO For us not living in the US, it’s not because our country isn’t burning that we don’t have a problem of systemic racism as well
The idea that behavioral economics has "debunked" economics is one of the most ludicrous idea I've ever seen
I’m in favor of banning LinkedIn The amount of pseudo-inspirational dumb shit people post on there is staggering
- no clear definition - no empirical evidence it can decrease CO2 emissions - no clear and empirically evaluated mechanisms to implement it - no clear view on its impact on public finance, public services and the supply of goods and services - no evaluation of its costs