simardcasanova’s avatarsimardcasanova’s Twitter Archive—№ 30,288

    1. …in reply to @ingrid_hjort
      @ingrid_hjort @jrgptrs @ryanbedwards @EcoSceptique You do not say to somebody you don’t know and based on just a couple of tweets they’re "overconfident" This is demeaning and in my opinion disrespectful
  1. …in reply to @simardcasanova
    @ingrid_hjort @jrgptrs @ryanbedwards @EcoSceptique I’m muting this convo because it has turned into a really unpleasant discussion (not with you but with other people!) Just so you know, if you answer I won’t get a notification. So if I don’t answer don’t take it as me being rude or something! Have a good day