@LorenzClimate @timparrique It’s a Twitter thread not a literature review Plus considering the awful interactions I’ve had so far with pro-growth folks my willingness to have a debate has rapidly declined
@LorenzClimate @timparrique You all jumped at my throat and littered my mentions with unpleasant tweets and a mountain of fallacies My time will probably better used interacting with a nicer scientific community
@LorenzClimate @timparrique My goal was to expand my thread in my newsletter, including by providing references But if it means being back at interacting with the degrowth community the same way I have since I’ve published this, I’m probably better off doing something else
@LorenzClimate @timparrique Once again, I’m not "anti-degrowth". I came from a place of genuine curiosity and open-mindness. I was open to update my beliefs. But if to do so it means receiving this kind of treatment and feedback, once again I’m better off staying out of this.