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    1. …in reply to @undefined
      @EconKilljoy @jenniferdoleac French diplomas are structured following the European LMD scheme. Your student will have to get an equivalency. Some universities may have a specific rule, but usually you can do the Master somewhere and start the PhD somewhere else.
  1. …in reply to @simardcasanova
    @EconKilljoy @jenniferdoleac (LMD stands for Licence [3 years], Master [2 years] and Doctorate [3 years]. Each year gives 60 credits, and credits are transferable from one institution to another one. For instance I got 180 credits in Nancy, 60 in Toulouse and 60 in Strasbourg.)
    1. …in reply to @simardcasanova
      @EconKilljoy @jenniferdoleac So everything depends on how far in his/her study in the US your student is (undergrad?) and also on the local rules for equivalencies (as far as I know, they are not broadly defined, every department can have different rules).
      1. …in reply to @simardcasanova
        @EconKilljoy @jenniferdoleac But what you said (linear algebra, probability, etc.) is pretty common during undergrad (licence) in France. Shouldn’t be a problem, but it’s probably better to check with the department your student is interested to going to.