simardcasanova’s avatarsimardcasanova’s Twitter Archive—№ 11,003

  1. …in reply to @DinaPomeranz
    @DinaPomeranz I have the feeling that this is somehow endogenous: researchers at non top institutions do not train their students to write papers for high profile journals, because they expect a low chance to get published. It's more rational to aim for lower ranked journals.
    1. …in reply to @simardcasanova
      @DinaPomeranz At least, this is what I've witnessed in my environment. "Aim at a journal that will publish you easily" instead of "aim high".
      1. …in reply to @simardcasanova
        @DinaPomeranz That being said, I agree with you this is a matter of training. I've found the Internet really helpful in my case, as more and more researchers offer advices on their personal websites. (I have an incomplete list of such websites on my own website:
        1. …in reply to @simardcasanova
          @DinaPomeranz I've also received significant feedback via #EconTwitter, feedback I would never have had in my research environment.