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        1. …in reply to @estebanjq3
          @estebanjq3 Thank you Esteban. I’m not sure if I’m brave or if it’s just the lack of sleep that speaks haha! Jokes aside, I agree with your points. I doesn’t have to be like that.
      1. …in reply to @simardcasanova
        @estebanjq3 I actually realized how bad economics where with non-top talents while discussing the openness of economics compared to astrophysics (poke @FlashCordon, our discussion had such an impact!). We have such a long road to travel…
    1. …in reply to @simardcasanova
      @estebanjq3 We are valuable, we are good enough, and we can provide great insinghts and advancement to our science even if we’re not in a top institution!
  1. …in reply to @simardcasanova
    @estebanjq3 (I hope your job market went well in Atlanta!)