.@SigmaOS is such a bloated app despite a bunch of good ideas 1) Performance is horrendous on my 2019 MacBook Air: I have one active tab and the browser eats between 15 and 30% of the CPU 1/
2) The UI is, let's say, ROUGH The browser asks if you want to set it as your default browser *EVERY SINGLE TIME* you open it It will also ask *EVERY SINGLE TIME* if you want to save the login info you just typed. You cannot deactivate the prompt. 2/
3) They claim to be compatible with "Chrome Extensions": sigmaos.com/#extensions For what I understand, SigmaOS isn't based on Chromium but on Webkit. Unless they manually adapt the extensions in question, said extensions do not work. 4/
4) Support is unresponsive I've reach out to them a couple of weeks ago about the broken extensions (at their request by the way), never heard a single word in response For a 10$/month browser, one could expect a little bit more, I don't know, responsiveness? 6/
At the end, SigmaOS features a couple of good ideas But as a web browser, it just doesn't work well. Which is a bit of an issue when you present yourself as a web browser. 7/7